After the funding for the Gwella project finished last year, @chris_hall of Swansea and @djalewis of Glamorgan proposed that we form a group on ELESIG’s Ning and apply for one of their small grants to fund a couple of meetings; the first of these was today.
The format chosen was a hybrid: we met at three locations (Glamorgan, Swansea and Aberystwyth) linked by the Welsh Video Network. I was not sure how well this would work, but I was delighted to find it an excellent arrangement. We began the day with an introduction over the video link then broke into our geographical groups for discussion, dropping our feedback into a Google Doc where we could see (live) what the other groups were discussing. We followed this pattern of video link / breakout group discussions though the day, and it was very much like having the breakout groups we would have not doubt had were we all at a face to face event. Our group at Glamorgan comprised 7 of us from a range of institutions, which worked very well. Continue reading “Reflections on the ELESIG Gwella Meeting”